Dogs In Clothes

Dogs In Clothes – Should Dogs Wear Clothes?

dogs in clothesDogs in clothes is a hot debate amongst dog lovers everywhere. Whether dogs should wear clothes is a question asked all around the world. Sometimes it is down to personal preference, but in fact it should only be down to the well-being of the dog.

Do you like to see dogs in clothes? Is it beneficial because of the weather, or is it to safisfy some need of the owner?

Reasons Dogs Should Wear Clothes

Smaller dogs, especially those in colder climates, actually benefit from clothing that can help keep them warm. Also, dog booties can help protect the pads of their paws from hot asphalt, ice and other uncomfortable conditions that could hurt or damage their paws otherwise.

  • Similar to the effect of a calming vest, clothes may calm and console a dog in distress or suffering from anxiety.
  • Clothes keep small, thin-haired, and well-groomed dogs warm in cold or chilly weather when outside or in cooler homes. It is important to keep in mind there are some breeds that live in climates they were not bred for and a sweater or coat is practical for them.
  • Clothes are a good solution to keep dogs with medical conditions, compromised or weakened immune systems, and older dogs from catching a chill, even when inside.
  • Your dog may stay cleaner in clothes. When they roll on the grass, or in something even less appealing, it will not get on their coat.
  • The dog enjoys dressing up. Some animals like the attention they get from wearing clothes.
dogs in clothes
Elk Novelty Clothing

Reasons Dogs Should Not Wear Clothes

  • Dogs in Clothes may cause painful friction or rubbing on a dog’s skin. Dogs with short hair or skin conditions may be more susceptible to skin irritation than others.
  • Clothes may cause a dog to potentially overheat and become sick. Always keep an eye on your pet when they are in clothes indoors and in warmer climates.
  • Clothes cause anxiety and stress. Dogs that are not used to clothes and not comfortable in them should not be forced to wear clothing.
  • Dogs may perceive their movement restricted as a punishment. This relates to dog behavior when one dog will dominate another by physically pinning it down.
  • It’s humiliating for the dog. Some animals do not like to be dressed up. A dog’s body language will allow a tuned in owner know how the dog is feeling.