dog sofa covers

Dog Sofa Covers

Dog sofa covers help protect your furniture from fur and mud and other debris your dog might have collected on its travels.

We have a large range of protective sofa covers in differing materials and colours and sizes, so you are certain to find one that fits your need to help keep your sofa clean.


Product Description

Dog Sofa Covers To Protect Your Furniture

Dog sofa covers help protect your furniture from fur and mud and other debris your dog might have collected on its travels.

Not all dogs want to stay on the floor or in a bed, many want to, and are often encouraged to, sit on the sofa with them. With that comes potential damage or at the very least a need to clean your sofa.

We have a large range of protective sofa covers in differing materials and colours and sizes, so you are certain to find one that fits your need to help keep your sofa clean.

Prices range from £13.99 and you can see more of our fantastic range of quality sofa covers here

